Måned: januar 2019

  • First Norwegian Red Cow in Kyrgystan

    First Norwegian Red Cow in Kyrgystan

    In the framework of NFG program, the Kyrgyz Association of Forest and Land Users in Kyrgyzstan has become the formal Distributor of the GENO/Semen of the Norwegian Red Cow in Central-Asia. Initially, although expressing strong interests in breeding based on the Norwegian Red, some of the stakeholders from husbandry, dairy and meat production in the…

  • Concluding seminar on the vocational training project in Tajikistan

    Concluding seminar on the vocational training project in Tajikistan

    The Norwegian Forestry Group (NFG) jointly with its local partners involved in the working process of the project “Rural development by means of vocational training within the forestry and environmental sector in Tajikistan” organized the 28th of May in Dushanbe a concluding seminar to present the main outcomes of activities implemented in different regions of…

  • The Royal Norwegian Embassy visit

    The Royal Norwegian Embassy visit

    During the period 22-24 January 2019, the representatives of the Royal Norwegian Embassy [RNE] in Addis Ababa conducted a survey to the Project sites in Amhara Region, specifically in Bahir Dar and surroundings. This started by organizing a working session gathering the representatives of the local stakeholders working and/or involved in different programs in Amhara Region, funded by…

  • First training courses

    First training courses

    During December 2018 we successfully organized two short training courses in Serawdi. One was about nursery practices, among others attended by a group of women interested in producing tree seedlings on their farms. Later on, we arranged a course in practical Technics of gully rehabilitation for a group of farmers in an area with severe…