Norwegian Forestry Group AS is a network company with extensive experience from Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America.
NFG was established in 1996. It is organized as a limited shareholding company but operates as a non-profit company through its statutes. No dividends are paid to the owners. NFG is thus categorized as an NGO.
The shareholders of NFG are a public research institute, a forest owners association and two NGOs based in the forestry sector in Norway.
The idea behind NFG was to gather the competence from each organization in the forestry sector, and through this become a strong partner in the field of international forestry consultancy. Our strength is the ability to coordinate the use of nearly all aspects of Norwegian forestry expertise in an international development context. This enables us to combine both academic and practical, user-oriented expertise.

Terje Hoel
CEO Norwegian Forestry Group
Switchboard: +47 48 17 10 00
Phone/Whatsapp: +47 952 16 167
Mail: terje.hoel@norskog.no

Øystein Aasaaren
Senior forestry consultant
Phone/Whatsapp: +47 913 54 810
Mail: oystein.aasaaren@norskog.no

Dr. Kamel Chorfi
Project manager
Phone/Whatsapp: +251(0) 902 09 85 07
Mail: chorfi_kamel@yahoo.co.uk

Dr. Yeshanew Ashagrie Abitew
Local project coordinator
Phone/Whatsapp: +251-(0)911994894
Mail: yeshanew1@mail.com
NFG members

NIBIO Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
NIBIO is one of the largest research institutions in Norway with more than 750 employees. The main areas of competence in NIBIO includes forestry, agriculture, horticulture and rural development, economics, land use mapping, food safety, plant health, biodiversity, environmental protection and natural resources management.
NIBIO conducts targeted basic and applied research for development and monitoring in order to contribute to a green economy and sustainable management of natural resources, including climate change impacts and adaptations. NIBIO is also responsible for the Norwegian National Forest Inventory (since 1918) and for reporting LULUCF activities under the Kyoto Protocol.
Visit their website: www.nibio.no/en

NORSKOG is a forest owners association. The total area of land owned by NORSKOG members is 1,2 million hectares. The organisation has an annual timber trade of 2 million m³.
NORSKOG’s main commercial activities are forest consultancies for sustainable forest management, forest inventories, production of forest management plans, GIS, resource analyses, forest sector studies, rural development and small-scale, wood-based industry development. The organization’s areas of expertise include forest valuation, due diligence, and consultancy services related to global timberland investments.
Visit their website: www.norskog.no

SKOGKURS Forestry Extension Institute
The Forestry Extension Institute is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1958. The Institute is organised as a partnership, with 39 forestry organisations and scientific institutions forming the membership.
The main purpose of the Institute is to provide continuing education and training in the forestry sector and in forestry-related fields, as well as to heighten public awareness to the importance of forestry. This is accomplished by educational materials, conferences, courses and consulting services.
Visit their website: www.skogkurs.no

NFS The Norwegian Forestry Society
The Norwegian Forestry Society (NFS) is a non-government organization that was established in 1898. Their primary task in Norway is to distribute information on multiple use of forests and to promote good forestry practices. Nurseries owned by the County Forestry Societies provide nearly 100% of the annual requirement for seedlings in Norway.
Visit their website: www.skogselskapet.no