The Norwegian Forestry Group (NFG) jointly with its local partners involved in the working process of the project “Rural development by means of vocational training within the forestry and environmental sector in Tajikistan” organized the 28th of May in Dushanbe a concluding seminar to present the main outcomes of activities implemented in different regions of Tajikistan, as well as the perspectives for their further development. The seminar was marked by participation of prominent local and international organizations acting in the field of forestry, land use and rural development in Tajikistan.

A particular consideration was given to the following elements:
- The project’s implementing approach based on concrete partnership between all local key actors, involvement of different target groups in the working process (with particular consideration for gender issues).
- The continuous process of training of trainers as well as practical assistance/guidance of active trainees involved in the working process.
- The realization of demand-driven, targeted and diversified actions related to actual forest and land use issues, covering several pilot areas in different regions of Tajikistan and cross border (Afghanistan). This component was marked by the link between theory and practice (learning by doing approach) and actions having demonstration and income generation purposes and engendering motivation and enthusiasm among the target groups.
- The significant quantity of published and distributed informative and instructive materials (Field books, guidelines, handouts, etc.) to provide the target groups and other stakeholders with updated and practical information that might contribute to improve their skills, livelihood and their living environment.
The seminar was also a very useful occasion for constructive discussions and proposals regarding further development and promotion of the achieved results as well as actual subjects related to “rural development” and “green economy” in the country. The participants have persistently underlined that the approach and the achieved results have generated a fundament that would allow developing effective vocational training set-up in Tajikistan.