Training of forestry workers and farmers
Forestry, Environment and Natural Resources Management Training Institute in Badakhshan, Afghanistan.
During a feasibility study undertaken by Norwegian Forestry Group (NFG) it has been agreed that there is a need for more formal training and education for community-based forestry and natural resource management in northern Afghanistan.
The Norwegian Afghanistan Committee (NAC)’s Demonstration Farm at Keshem in western Badakhshan has the potential to serve as a base for a training institute for full-time and part-time training of foresters, forestry workers and farmers. The report sets out a series of proposals for Curricula and training modules.
It is estimated that less than 2% of Afghanistan is now forested and that over 2 million hectares of forest have been destroyed over the past 30 years. This is probably due to the depredations of 30 years of war, over-grazing, uncontrolled logging and fuel wood extraction. The authorities are now making efforts to reverse the situation and have initiated an ambitious programme for Community Based Forestry and Natural Resource Management.
NAC has been developing a number of forestry programmes including community-based forestry in Badakhshan since 1997. NAC approached Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) to examine the possibilities for cooperation between the two entities. This resulted in an invitation from GTZ to NAC to undertake a feasibility study into a Forestry, Environment and Natural Resources Institute at Keshem in Badakhshan, Afghanistan. NAC agreed to undertake the proposed study in June 2010, and NFG was engaged to undertake the study.
Assess the demand as well as the impacts and possible benefits of establishing a Forestry, Environment and Natural Resource Management Training Institute in association with and within the Keshem Demonstration Farm.

• June 2010 – August 2011
Project group:
- Kamel Chorfi, Knut J. Huse, NFG
- Professor Mohammed Nasari (Kabul University), Wafiullah Wafa (NAC, Kabul)
- Assistance of NAC Kabul, NAC Oslo
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)