Capacity building and sharing of information

The Program Impact aims to reverse the current environmental degradation and enhance sustainable forest and land use management. Capacity building and training at all levels is necessary to achieve the Program goals.

Training programs can have significant impacts on the local population. The current lack of comprehensive extension training facilities within the sectors of agroforestry, forestry and forest product utilization, and a need for capacity building related to development of a green economy for the benefit of the population is a major bottleneck for sustainable resource utilization.

Sharing of information with Ethiopian authorities and other stakeholders, is important as a sustainability measure. In phase II, sharing of information and knowledge from the program is thus added to the program on capacity building.

The main result of phase I:
In phase I the program developed course material for 33 course series and courses have been conducted for 288 development agents, 50 training teachers and 7738 farmers. In addition material was developed on environmental education and used in education of 8668 school children.

The program were also organising several “Green Table” meetings and workshops on relevant topics for all the stakeholders.

The main outputs in phase II:

  • Courses conducted for farmers and development agents, with participation emphasizing on gender balance.
  • Community meetings conducted on family planning, with participation emphasizing on gender balance.
  • Pupils trained in environmental education.
  • Green Table meetings on various thematic conducted to improve the coordination among organizations and authorities involved in landscape restoration in Amhara.
  • A web-based information HUB on forest landscape restoration in Ethiopia is prepared for transfer to Ethiopian Forest Development.
  • The program archive, including datasets from activities in the intervention area, is prepared for transfer to Ethiopian Forest Development.
  • Information sharing with Ethiopian Forest Development and other government institutions to promote and sustain restoration efforts in Ethiopia.
  • A Guideline for sustainable restoration efforts in the highlands of Amhara is developed.
  • Manual on FLR-model including Green villages is developed.