Tree nursery
There are a high number of species relevant for use in forest landscape restoration (FLR) activities, it is important to choose species that can grow well under the local conditions and species demanded by the local people.
There is a challenge to select and manage the reproduction of the various species relevant for FLR activities. The supplies of sufficient and high-quality planting materials are current constraints. It is crucial to have the appropriate number of seedlings available in time for the relatively short planting season and to ensure a high rate of seedling survival in the field. It is therefore necessary to have an adequate number of high-quality forest- and fruit-tree nurseries.
The main results in phase I:
In phase I, nine local nurseries were strengthened with input material; development of manuals for the cultivation of the most relevant forest trees and fruit trees produced and distributed; and a nursery and lab for vegetative propagation of forest trees made operational. Altogether, approximately 4,2 million seedlings were produced and distributed. A wide range of tree species were used, including improved fruit trees.
The main outputs in phase II will be:
The program’s phase II is following up the work by the purchase of seedlings and by developing a reporting system for nurseries with the focus on quantity and quality of seedlings and conduct training of the same.