Landscape restoration
– Plantations
The program will encourage the development of a forest sector that has the ability for self-financing in the medium- to long-term.

FLRP will promote employment and contribute to the carbon balance from commercial forest plantations, which will also play an important role in the climate change initiatives and can be linked to ongoing initiatives in Ethiopia.
A close collaboration with the proposed ICRAF tree seed improvement program will ensure that the planting materials to be provided are site specific for the target locations in Amhara. Forest rehabilitation in the commercial context includes the establishment and maintenance of plantation forests through a full production cycle.
To ensure a sustainable commercial forestry sector requires the involvement of the private sector. Funding of commercial forest plantations may be a combination of private investments, development grants and/or soft loans.
The main result of phase I:
The project faced challenges to identify locations for forest plantations. However, the project established 1151 hectares of energy forests and agro-forestry woodlots. A wide range of tree species were used.
The work on establishing plantations is included in landscape restoration at village level in phase II, with a focus on community woodlots.