SUDAN/Sout sudan

Forest Sector Program in Southern Sudan Forest Inventory, Data base unit for forest, agriculture and environmental data, concession management

Forest Sector Program in Southern Sudan to contribute to the rehabilitation and sustainable management of the forest resources in Southern Sudan (2007-2013).

Establishing a Land Recourse Survey and Information Centre, developing methodologies and systems for forest resource assessments such as forest inventory, data base unit for forest, agriculture and environment and preparing guidelines for the development of concession agreements and land lease.

Data processing/analysis.


To contribute to the rehabilitation and sustainable management of the forest resources in Southern Sudan.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, GoSS is the key local partner while the Norwegian Forestry Group has the responsibility for implementation of the programme.

Tasks involved:

  • Establishing a Land Recourse Survey and Information Centre
  • Developing methodologies and systems for forest resource assessments
  • Preparing guidelines for the development of concession agreements and land lease

The Land Resource Survey and Information Centre is the corner stone in the Programme, which is comprised of four (4) units in addition to administrative staff:

  1. Data Collection Unit to carry out fieldwork, interpret aerial photos and analyse satellite imagery
  2. Database Unit to document and store data and ensure standardization
  3. Data Processing and Analysis Unit to produce statistics, maps and reports
  4. Information Unit to develop suitable and appropriate ways to provide information to the decision makers and other users

Quoted from The President of the Government of Southern Sudan, H. E. Salva Kiir opening speech at the General Assembly: ”Improved Agriculture and Forestry Services shall become a driving force of our national socioeconomic development. We shall work to improve the livelihood of rural Southern Sudan without compromising the sustainability of its natural resources for future generations”.