During the period 22-24 January 2019, the representatives of the Royal Norwegian Embassy [RNE] in Addis Ababa conducted a survey to the Project sites in Amhara Region, specifically in Bahir Dar and surroundings.

This started by organizing a working session gathering the representatives of the local stakeholders working and/or involved in different programs in Amhara Region, funded by the Norwegian Government/RNE. During this session, the representatives from NFG-FLR Program, Amhara Environmental Authority, REDD+ Coordination Unit, ICRAF-PATSPO Project, Sustainable Land Management Project, and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Development presented and discussed with RNE representatives the substance and the development of the their respective programs in Amhara region.
This working session was supported by some field sessions notably to the Tissue Culture Laboratory managed by ORDA and supported by NFG-FLR Program; to the Seed Centers supported by ICRAF-PATSPO Project and sites of Church forests.
On the 24th of January 2019, NFG-FLR Program organized a field trip for RNE representatives to Ebinat Woreda, in Serawudi Kebele, which is the 1st pilot area for FLR Program interventions. During this visit, RNE representatives had the opportunity to be acquainted with what was initiated in the area and discussed relevant issues regarding FLR activities with the representatives of the local communities and stakeholders.