We are here presenting our current services and competences in four pages Fact Sheets covering our most relevant services and area of competence.
Download Fact Sheets (PDF):
1. Vocal traning
Education for rural development and sustainable land use
2. Learning with the Forests
Education for sustainable development in schools
3. Forest Inventory and Land Use Mapping
Remote sensing and GIS-technology in forestry and land survey
4. Forest Certification
Delivering services for a sustainable future
5. National Forest Inventory
Basis for national policy and strategic planning
6. Seeds and Plants
Tree Seed and Forest Nurseries management
7. Sustainable Pasture Management
A case from Kyrgyzstan relevant in a broader concept
8. MRV
Developing University curricula in MRV for REDD+
9. MRV
Measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems for REDD+