Quality Products from Kyrgyzstan at Grüne Woche 2025
The Kyrgyz Forest & Land Use Association are now present at the Grüne Woche, the biggest exhibition for food products in…
The Forest Landscape Restoration Program – Second phase has kicked off
The second phase of the FLR program has particular emphasis on ensuring sustainability and increased transfer of knowledge to regional…
The Forest Landscape Restoration Program – Phase I is completed
The Forest Landscape Restoration Program in Amhara, both phase I and II, aims to restore highly degraded forest landscapes in…
Mid-Term Review of the Forest Landscape Restoration Program [FLRP] in Amhara/Ethiopia
The Mid-Term Review [MTR] of the Forest Landscape Restoration Program [FLRP] assigned to the company SCANTEAM [Norway] was started in October 2020….
Stakeholders meeting Mid-Term Review Report
In early January 2021, The Mid-Term Review Report [MTR] of the Forest Landscape Restoration Program [FLRP] developed by the company SCANTEAM [Norway] was submitted…
Steering Committee Meeting
Despite the COVID-19 constraints and restrictions, the program managed to organize its 3rd Steering Committee Meeting [SC] in Bahir Dar, the 12th November…
Progress bylaws of Areas Enclosure
Significant progress in identifying/mapping and developing bylaws of Areas Enclosures in South in South Gonder and Adama Cluster [Amhara region] Totally,…
Planting success in Serawudi
One of NFG’s strategies for reforestation is to establish local nurseries. Short distances to the fields make it easier for…
Production of healthy plants
A co-operation between the Ethiopian institute Orda and the Norwegian Forestry Group (NFG) has resulted in the establishment of a…