Tag: nfg

  • Quality Products from Kyrgyzstan at Grüne Woche 2025

    Quality Products from Kyrgyzstan at Grüne Woche 2025

    The Kyrgyz Forest & Land Use Association are now present at the Grüne Woche, the biggest exhibition for food products in Europe, and do marketing of top quality products from the farmers in Kyrgyzstan.   Grüne Woche, one of Germany’s most traditional trade fairs and one of the world’s leading events in the food, agriculture and horticulture…

  • The Forest Landscape Restoration Program – Second phase has kicked off

    The Forest Landscape Restoration Program – Second phase has kicked off

    The second phase of the FLR program has particular emphasis on ensuring sustainability and increased transfer of knowledge to regional and national authorities. Phase II is therefore aimed at following up on the main components of phase I. An important element in the continuation will be aimed at following up on previously agreed bylaws on…

  • The Forest Landscape Restoration Program – Phase I is completed

    The Forest Landscape Restoration Program – Phase I is completed

    The Forest Landscape Restoration Program in Amhara, both phase I and II, aims to restore highly degraded forest landscapes in the highlands of northwestern Ethiopia. The project adopts a landscape approach to forest restoration, which will look at the areas from a multifunctional perspective, and combine natural resource management with environmental and socio-economic measures. The…

  • Mid-Term Review of the Forest Landscape Restoration Program [FLRP] in Amhara/Ethiopia

    Mid-Term Review of the Forest Landscape Restoration Program [FLRP] in Amhara/Ethiopia

    The Mid-Term Review [MTR] of the Forest Landscape Restoration Program [FLRP] assigned to the company SCANTEAM [Norway] was started in October 2020. The purpose of the MTR is to take stock of implementation so far in order to support major stakeholders in making the necessary adjustments for the remaining period of project implementation. The review will identify…

  • Stakeholders meeting Mid-Term Review Report

    Stakeholders meeting Mid-Term Review Report

    In early January 2021, The Mid-Term Review Report [MTR] of the Forest Landscape Restoration Program [FLRP] developed by the company SCANTEAM [Norway] was submitted to the program’s stakeholders and partners at different levels for comments, opinions, and reflections. The report is describing and highlighting the program’s efficiency through monitoring of implementation and impacts, management issues, sustainability, and relevance of…

  • Progress bylaws of Areas Enclosure

    Progress bylaws of Areas Enclosure

    Significant progress in identifying/mapping and developing bylaws of Areas Enclosures in South in South Gonder and Adama Cluster [Amhara region] Totally, 10 Woredas and 448 Kebeles included, more than 122000 ha of areas enclosures identified and mapped. More than 42000 community members were participated in the discussions and consultations. Every identified area enclosure is delineated…

  • Planting success in Serawudi

    Planting success in Serawudi

    One of NFG’s strategies for reforestation is to establish local nurseries. Short distances to the fields make it easier for the local communities having access to appropriate planting material. Therefore, the project has established a small nursery in a selected area, namely Serawudi in the Amhara region. This region has been selected as a project…

  • Production of healthy plants

    Production of healthy plants

    A co-operation between the Ethiopian institute Orda and the Norwegian Forestry Group (NFG) has resulted in the establishment of a small research and development centre that includes operative functions. The lab outside Bahir Dahr in Ethiopia is now producing a small volume of plants that are completely free of disease. The establishment of the centre…

  • The Royal Norwegian Embassy visit

    The Royal Norwegian Embassy visit

    During the period 22-24 January 2019, the representatives of the Royal Norwegian Embassy [RNE] in Addis Ababa conducted a survey to the Project sites in Amhara Region, specifically in Bahir Dar and surroundings. This started by organizing a working session gathering the representatives of the local stakeholders working and/or involved in different programs in Amhara Region, funded by…

  • First training courses

    First training courses

    During December 2018 we successfully organized two short training courses in Serawdi. One was about nursery practices, among others attended by a group of women interested in producing tree seedlings on their farms. Later on, we arranged a course in practical Technics of gully rehabilitation for a group of farmers in an area with severe…