The Forest and Environment Sector Programme. Involving of private sector in management of natural resources
Improve the management structure on land use in order to strength the involvement of the private sector and the rural communities in natural resource management (2011-2014).
Establish and support the Kyrgyz Association of Forest and Land Users. Cooperation with The State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry in Bishkek, Osh Technological University, Laboratory of Ecology and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The forests cover more than 1.3 millions hectares in Kyrgyzstan, which relatively represent 5.3 % of the country’s territory. The “State Forest Fund” (Gos Les Fund) represents a total area of 3.5 millions hectares, including forested and non-forested lands, pastures, etc. These lands are under control of the State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry (SAEF). However, it is important to mention the existence of other forest areas owned by other state bodies, notably by the local Administrative Fund (Ayil Okmots).

The forests in Kyrgyzstan can be classified in four types: the Spruce Forests in the north and north-east, the Walnut Forests in the north and north-east of the Fergana valley (south-west of the country), the Juniper Forests in the south and the Riverside Forests. Being located mainly in the mountains, these forests are of particular interest for biodiversity conservation and rural development; they are of great importance for the livelihood of the local communities (firewood, non-timber forest products, pastures, recreation and tourism…)
All the Kyrgyz forests suffer from a combination of ecological and socio-economic factors (vulnerability, degradation, intensive use…). This requires a rational and a constructive management and use of the existing resources and opportunities within the forestry sector, not only through applying updated and innovative approaches appropriated to the local context, but also by contributing to sustainable economic growth, notably in the rural areas, through initiatives and involvement of the private sector and local communities in forest activities.
The main planned activities:
- Improve the management structure on the territorial level in order to strength the involvement of the private sector and the rural communities in natural resource management.
- Elaboration of documents, norms and regulations aiming to develop the private sector.
- Development of a data base concerning forest users/forest land leaseholders within the State Forest Fund.
- Establish and organize associative activities within the forestry sector.
Expected outputs:
- Regarding the management structure, the norms and regulations: the importance, the value and the requirements concerning the improvement of forest management through the involvement of the private sector and the rural communities in forest activities are demonstrated and elaborated.
- Regarding the private sector and the rural communities: increased possibilities and opportunities for the private sector and the rural communities within the forestry sector, due to the improved norms and regulations; trainings, capacity building and awareness raising activities.
- Regarding the associative activities: Creation and support (technical and organizational) of the Kyrgyz Association of Forest and Land Users.
- 2011 – 2014
Lead partner in NFG:
- Norskog
Other partners:
- The State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry, Bishkek
- Osh Technological University, Laboratory of Ecology
Project Group:
Øystein Aasaaren, Kamel Chorfi, Aitkul Burhanov
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.