
  • Establishing a Forestry, Environment and Natural Resource Management Training Institute in association with and within the Keshem Demonstration Farm in Badakhshan. Assess the demand as well as the impacts and possible benefits, Cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Read more


  • Establishment of community forests in tree pilot communities with a specific focus on reduction of illegal logging and improved local environment in Armenia (2007-2009). Countrywide vocational training program and extension system, development of educational materials within selected subjects including forest management planning. Cooparation with Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Read more.


  • The Forest Reserve Rehabilitation and Management Project. Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve (MPRFR) was experiencing heavy infestations of Southern Pine Beetles (Dendroctonus frontalis). The program showed that the aggressive beetle in MPRFR is not the Southern pine beetle (SPB), but a new species that appears to be endemic to Belize. Guidens for FMP were developed and an Insect Manual; Pine bark beetles in the Mountain Pine Ridge, Belize: Description of the species and how to monitor and combat the problems were developed. In cooperation with the and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, funded by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).


  • Forest Management Planning Study. The program designed a setup for how to do Forest Management Planning in B&H, including establishing a GIS unit. Forest Management Plans were developed. A project funded by the World Bank.


  • Integrated Monitoring Programme on Acidification of Chinese Terrestrial Systems. The IMPACTS programme was a research and environmental planning programme in four Chinese provinces. Chinese and Norwegian research institutions co-operation to increase the knowledge about acid rain and its effects on soil, water, forest and ground vegetation. The overall goal is to assist the Chinese authorities in preparing a cost-effective strategy on the acid rain problem. The partners in NFG are The Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory (NIJOS) and The Norwegian Forest Research Institute (SKOGFORSK). (1999-2004). The programme was funded by NORAD and SEPA (State Environmental Protection Agency).


  • EEA Grants Project Appraisal – Cyprus Preparation of an Integrated Management Plan for the Pafos Forest.


  • Appraisal – Estonia Inventory and Managing of Juniper Woods within the West-EstonianArchipelago Biosphere Reserve, conducted by NFG with its Norwegian partner Norconsult AS of Norway.Partner in Estonia, REC Estonia Foundation, Tallinn, Estonia.The program was funded by the EEA Financial Mechanism Office.


  • Forest nursery development in Amhara Region (2006-2007). Introduction of nursery technology and development of new techniques for propagation. Implemented by the Norwegian Forestry Society – an NFG member and financed by Norad.
  • Forest Landscape Restoration Program in Amhara – Phase I (2017-2022) and Phase II (2022-2025). The Forest Landscape Restoration Program use a landscape approach to forest restoration, and looks at the target area from a multifunctional perspective, combining natural resources management with environmental and social components. The program include work on land use planning with local participation and involvement, use of high-quality planting materials, restored landscapes and improved land use at village level, increased commercial wood stock and increased capacity of stakeholders. NFG implements the project in close collaboration with the national forestry authority Ethiopian Forest Development, authorities of the Amhara regional state and other local and international partners. The Government of Norway has supported the project with more than USD 9 mill. Read more.


  • Pre Study Development of a Jatropha plantation in Ghana. A study was conducted for a private Norwegian company focused on production of crude vegetable oil from Jatropha and Oil Palm in Ghana. The plans were based on a long-term activity, land lease of land for more than 50 years and an extensive area, more than 100 000 ha.
  • Training program for cultivating maize. For a private Norwegian company, a training program for a full scale maize production were developed. All aspects from introductory courses for new employees, production issues, environment issues, diseases and insect damage, Harvesting and Management and planning were included.


  • Feasibility Study, EIA, Project Design for Sustainable Development Programme and “Eco-labelling” Study for Forest Products from Petén. An NFG consultant participated in the preparation of the Sustainable Development Programme for Péten, Guatemala and was responsible for planning the sustainable development of the forest resources in accordance with International Standards for forest management. Forest certification was introduced as a measure to ensure the responsible management of the resources. Preservation of the valuable forest resources in the Péten while permitting the utilisation of resources for rural development was a programme objective.
  • Evaluating a rural development project funded by UNOPS in the Cuchumatanes Highlands, Guatemala.
  • The aim of the evaluation was to determine the environmental impact of the project activities, which had the objective of increasing rural incomes from forest and agricultural activities. NFG worked closely with a local consultant company and their professional staff, while providing training to project staff for the continuation of project monitoring and planning of mitigation measures for negative impacts. The evaluation of regulations and guidelines for resource utilisation was a vital part of the overall assessment.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment of Cuchumatanes Highlands Project.


  • Development of Training Manual and Protection Strategy for Bark Beetles in Pine Forests in Honduras.
  • Preparation of a Management Plan for the tri-national National Park Monte Cristo in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, in association with the lead partner NORPLAN AS, Norway.
  • Facilitator and Teaching Assignment at a Regional Workshop for the Development of a Protection Strategy for Wildfire and Bark Beetle Management in Central America.


  • Eco-restoration of degraded forests. Research co-operation with the Forest Service, Forest and Environmental Dep., Jammu and Kashmir.


  • Preparation of Project Outline and Case Study (SITFORIN).


  • Support to Forest Management Planning with Geographic Information System (four phases 2006-2013).
  • Development of a method for efficient collection and management of forest inventory data. Development of a software application for preparation of annual operational plans and continuous up-date of the management plan. Facilitate calculation and present key forest planning parameters. Training in field inventory and management planning, silviculture and use of GIS. Preparation of practical silviculture manuals and handbooks and implementation of second national forest inventory (2012-2013). In cooperation with Kosovo Forest Agency, Kosovan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development and Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Read more
  • Support to Forestry Education and Training in Kosovo – Project implemented in association with Scanagri Sweden AB
  • Tree Nursery and Reforestation Study – Kosovo Forestry Emergency and Rehabilitation Project
  • International Inventory Consultant – Kosovo Forestry Emergency and Rehabilitation Project.
  • Chief Technical Advisor – Kosovo Forestry Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities
  • Socio-economic Analysis of the Forestry Sector – Kosovo Forestry Emergency and Rehabilitation Project
  • Evaluation of the Forest Industry Sector – Kosovo Forestry Emergency and Rehabilitation Project


  • Improve the management structure on land use in order to strengthen the involvement of the private sector and the rural communities in natural resource management (2011-2014). Establish and support the Kyrgyz Association of Forest and Land Users. Cooperation with The State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry in Bishkek, Osh Technological University, Laboratory of Ecology. Read more
  • Environmental Monitoring, Central Asia Monitoring and Studying Terrestrial Ecosystems.
  • The Forest and Environment Sector Programme. Assessment of privatisation possibilities in the Forest Sector and Implementation of a methodology for monitoring and studying terrestrial ecosystems.

    All programs funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


  • Pre-study, Forest and Mosaic Landscape Restoration in Lofa County, Liberia. The assignment aimed at supporting national stakeholders in considering the social, economic and environmental viability of an ambitious landscape level restoration/reforestation and forest plantation project in Lofa County, Liberia. More specifically to appropriate, describe how such a project can be designed to improve local access to environmental services from natural forest, reduce pressure on surrounding intact forest, increase uptake of CO2, and strengthen local employment and economic opportunities including the engagement of private sector know-how and investment and public-private cooperation for financing.
    The program was conducted in close partnership with World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) and the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO). The funding was given from the Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI)


  • Institutional Cooperation with Public Enterprise Macedonia Forest. This project has a focus on organisation development and IT management.
  • Feasibility Study for Institutional Collaboration between the Public Enterprise Macedonia Forests and Statskog for technical support and training of PEMF staff.


  • Program for Sustainable Development – Forest Policy Design and Strategy Development.
    NFG in co-operation with Jaakko Pöyry Consulting participated in the development of a long-term strategy for Panama to attain a sustainable forest policy in order to increase the level of protection for the forests of Panama. NFG were directly responsible for the social and environmental assessments of the proposed strategy and provided input in the determination of criteria for sustainable forest management. An evaluation of FSC, FAO and ITTO principles for sustainable forest management was made and actual criteria and indicators applicable to Panama were recommended. A pilot project to implement the strategy and assess the implications in the Darién region in Eastern Panama was also presented to the government authorities.
    Program funded by the Inter-American Development Bank.


  • The development of green and blue infrastructure in and in cooperation with Czempiń commune as a manner of strengthening resistance to the negative effects of climate change (2023). Financed by an EEA Norway grant.


  • Sustainable Forestry Pilot Project – objectives to address strategic forest planning and selected reform issues. Forest Sector Review, Russia – World Bank. NFG was requested to carry out a study of the forestry sector in the Russian Federation for the purpose of introducing a pilot project program for implementing changes in current practices in an effort to revitalise the forest sector in Russia. The preparatory activities included an analysis of the problems related to forest regulations in relation to the forest code and policy as well as an analysis of the current institutional structure. A second portion of the study assessed the need for development of a forest health and protection strategy. Again, NFG chose to work closely with professional foresters in the Regions studied and involved a non-forestry institute to co-ordinate activities in the field and facilitate presentation of the findings to the Federal Forest Service of Russia.
  • Evaluation for Restructuring and Investment in two Forest companies.
  • Evaluation of forest resources and industrial equipment for high quality export lumber – Ural.
  • Technical Assistance to Furniture Manufacturers and Suppliers to IKEA.


  • Forestry Sector Programme in Serbia – Phase 3 Forest Management Planning; Development of Cost-efficient Management; Institutional Development; Capacity Building; Forest Certification.
  • Forest Industry Rehabilitation Study to provide the public and private sectors with a company profile for business development in the forestry sector in Eastern Serbia.


  • Development of Nature-based Tourism in Northern Montenegro. The projectwas an initiative to strengthen local economy and employment due to increase the income from sustainable multipurpose use of forest land managed by Directorate of Forests of Montenegro. The project was implemented by the Norwegian Forestry Group with support from Directorate of Forests of Montenegro, the private representatives from the tourist sector, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and Ministry of Tourism and Environment Protection. The main goal of the project was to establish naturebased tourism products that existing and new tourist operators/entrepreneurs will include in their program and services.


  • Assist in establishing a Biomass Logistic Centre with the local partner, Biopel Inc, Slovakia (2014-2016). Financed by an EEA Norway grant.
  • Sustainable Innovation in Bioenergy, local partner is Intech Inc, Slovakia (2014-2016). Financed by an EEA Norway grant.


  • Forest Estate Evaluation for the establishment of forest plantations
  • Forest Resource and Small Wood-industry Evaluation for joint venture implementation of woodworking projects.
  • Team leader of the Upper Watershed Management Project. The project is designed to address the forest and land degradation problems in 4 upper watersheds.
  • Pilot Project for “Implementation of a Forest Management Plan”.
  • Programme Development for Social and Participatory Forestry.


  • Forest Sector Program in Southern Sudan to contribute to the rehabilitation and sustainable management of the forest resources in Southern Sudan (2007-2013). Establishing a Land Recourse Survey and Information Centre, developing methodologies and systems for forest resource assessments such as forest inventory, data base unit for forest, agriculture and environment and preparing guidelines for the development of concession agreements and land lease. Read more


  • Develop a countrywide vocational training program with focus on forest- and environmental management in Tajikistan – Phase I (2008). Curses were tailored for the local population, farmers, forest workers, entrepreneurs or forest/environmental officers, and based on short courses run by authorized trainers/instructors. Cooperation with State Committee on Environment Conservation and Forestry of the Republic of Tajikistan, Center of support and development of natural protected areas and forestry (IUCN) of the republic of Tajikistan and Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Read more
  • Rural Development by Means of Vocational Training within the Forestry and Environmental Sector in Tajikistan – Phase 2 (2011-2014). The Program will implement a countrywide vocational training program developed in Phase I. Read more
  • Land Degradation and Disaster Reduction in Gorno Badakshan.
  • Feasibility study, Land degradation of agriculture areas in Tajikistan. This project is implemented in cooperation with Norwegian Geotechnical Institute.


  • GoT and IDA Joint Supervision Mission of the Tanzania Forest Conservation and Management Project (TFCMP).
  • World Bank appraisal mission – Tanzania Forest Conservation and Management Project.
  • Extension Services for Forest Pests and Diseases – Sokoine University, Morogoro.
  • Evaluation of Eucalyptus Plantations in East Africa for establishment of a treatment plant for pole production.
  • Programme design and feasibility study. Ruvu Fuelwood Pilot Project.


  • Evaluation of the support and appraisal of the continued support to the Sawlog Production Grant Scheme.
  • Forest Sector Programme Development – Uganda Sustainable Development of the Uganda National Forestry Authority with focus on northern Uganda.
  • Business Development Study – National Biomass Centre -. Uganda Forest Sector Umbrella Project.
  • Bio-mass Project evaluation team – Uganda Forest Sector Umbrella Project – Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment.
  • Restructuring Specialist – Uganda Forest Sector Umbrella Project, Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment.
  • Forest Economist Adviser – Uganda Forest Sector Umbrella Project, Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment.
  • Programme Activity Assessment in Department of International Development.
  • Review Mission, Forest Sector Programme.
  • Commercial Plantation Management, Peri-urban Plantation Project.
  • Combined Forestry Training. Nyabyeya Forestry College and local communities.
  • National Biomass Study including Technical Assistance, an Environmental Information System (EIS) and Maps.
  • Programme for Institutional Strengthening of The New Forest Authority in Uganda. The contract partner in Norway is STATSKOG SF, member of NFG.
  • Teaching assignment to the National Biomass Centre in Uganda. Developing a public programme for biomass monitoring and land use mapping.
  • Teaching assignment for the establishment of the National Forest Authority including operational management planning and institutional structure adjustments.
  • Teaching assignment to organisational development of the forestry unit in MWLE.
  • Teaching Assignment in forest economics and planning Nyabyeya Forestry Collage/Makerere University – Ministry of Education and Sport.


  • Evaluation of a Forest Estate for the establishment of Eucalyptus plantations. NFG was requested by a private investor to investigate the possibilities for the establishment of energy plantations in Venezuela.  The aim of the investor was to produce hardwood charcoal for export to the USA and Norway for use in the steel industry.  NFG was asked to advise on the choice of site, tree species, environmental impact, legality within the framework of international treaties and conventions and carry out an economic analysis of the proposed project.


  • Zimbabwe Environmental Sector Programme Co-operation with the Forestry Commission. NFG co-ordinated the Norwegian support to the ZESP, with Jordforsk, NFG, NINA and Noragric providing professional advice to the Forestry Commission in Zimbabwe. The Ministry of Environment in Zimbabwe developed an integrated program for the improvement of the Save River catchment area based on improved soil and vegetation management and requested support to the Zimbabwean institutions during implementation. The introduction of information technology for resource registration and biotype classification was central in the planned programme.
    The tasks included:
    Compilation of inventories for the major woodland types;
    Determination of geographic and generic variations of key species;
    Identification of existing traditional conservation strategies in 10 districts using the District Environmental Action Plan (DEAP) approach;
    Selection of an appropriate number of conservation sites (at least 10 by Year 2001);
    Establishment of a monitoring and evaluation system to assess changes in forest biodiversity;
    Identification, mapping and description of degraded lands in up to 10 Districts.
    Programme development was carried out in 1997-1999 with implementation in 1999. Due to political unrest in Zimbabwe, Norwegian support to the programme was stopped in the year 2000.


  • Pre-study, bio-energy projects in Ukraine (2015-2016).


  • Forest damage in Ahangaran, Uzbekistan (between the industrial cities of Almaly and Angren, near the border to Tajikistan). NFG partners in Uzbekistan the Ministry of Agriculture and Water resources and the Republican Agricultural scientific-production Center. The program conducted mapping of the biological diversity and extent of forest damage along the Qurama mountain range as well as sample and analyze plant chemical and soil chemical parameters. In addition, studied the quality of the runoff water from the area and compare this with “the clean natural areas” from reference areas.
    Established a dialogue with those responsible for the environment and the management of the local industry to ensure sustainable industrial development in the region, where chemical releases to soil, water and air are mapped and measures implemented to ensure environmentally responsible operation of the facilities.