Rural Development by Means of Vocational Training within the Forestry and Environmental Sector in Tajikistan (Phase 2)
Rural Development by Means of Vocational Training within the Forestry and Environmental Sector in Tajikistan – Phase 2 (2011-2014). The Program will implement a countrywide vocational training program developed in Phase I.
The Program will implement a countrywide vocational training program with focus on forest and environmental management in Tajikistan. The training will be based on short courses, run by authorized trainers/instructors, taking into consideration best practices and knowledge that meet the real needs and demands of the local population, farmers, forest workers, entrepreneurs and/or forest/environmental officers.

As is the case for the majority of forests in the Central Asian region, the forests in Tajikistan constitute a specific and fragile ecosystem, faced with a variety of ecological and socio-economic constraints. Thus, there´s an urgent need to improve environmental and forest management by considering the objectives and actions that would address the actual problems and derive purposeful and effective solutions.
In this perspective, the first phase of the project assessed the current situation with regards to education and training in the forestry and environmental sectors in Tajikistan and identified themes and courses that would provide the local population with the required practices and knowledge that meets their needs. Phase 1 was concluded with the elaboration of a “Teaching/Training Plan” and development of a framework for a countrywide “model for vocational training”. The planned activities in Phase 2 are mainly based on the results from Phase 1.
Phase 2 Activities
• Establish an organization for vocational training,
• Training of Trainers,
• Develop educational materials identified from Phase 1,
• Conduct courses involving local stakeholders.
• Establish small nurseries and a tree-planting program in pilot areas.
• Increase the Programme Activities to additional pilot areas.
- December 2011 –June 2014
Lead partner in NFG:
- Norwegian Forestry Extension Institute
Other partners:
- State Institution on Forestry and Hunting (under the State Committee on Environmental Protection).
- The project will cooperate with different partners acting in the Environmental/Forestry sphere.
Project Group:
• Kamel Chorfi, Knut J. Huse, Sadbarg Mirova, Bjørn E. Rakstang, Øystein Aasaaren;
• Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.